Friday, April 20, 2007

Right, this is the first time I have ever tried this, so don't be tooooooooo critical if it looks like shoite!


Anonymous said...

Oh aye, and get me linked ya muppet !!!!


Miketw10 said...

What's a Turratim?

And if you're really a biker, have you ever visited the 'World Famous' Comfort Cafe on the M11?

Shaven-headed biker? Is that not a contradiction in terms?

peatblog said...

Ma wee lassie swears thats a picture of Balamory?

I told her "dont be daft, Curlys naewhere near as grown up as that"

All the best on yer new blog

Curly said...

pablo -

linked? OK - sausages! Erm, how do I do that then?

mike -

I am the proud owner of an Aprilia SL1000 Falco (musical connection for you there!). Afraid I have never been that far south wi my bike. There are heaps of us wi nae heid fur, and very handsome I am too - just ask pablo!!

peat -

Fit like, long time no speak. You are correct in you reference to my lack of mental age, probably your daughter beats me there. It is in fact Portree, the capital of the beautiful island of Skye. My favourite destination for my wee walking jaunts.

Hope y'all like the blog, I will be trying to do fancy things like videos in future, but hey!, one step at a time for the auld bald fart frae Turra!


John_H said...

Greetings from Hatton, mate.
Was thinking of setting up one of these myself but am a total technophobe.
Will pop in later for a browse. Better get some work done, I suppose.

Curly said...

john_h -

Greetings fae Turra / Eberdeen.

I was surprised how easy it was to get going. If a total numpty like me can do it, I am sure that anyone can do it. Fill yer beets!


Miketw10 said...


Curly says I've tae ask ye... Is he handsome???

Careful what ye say now, ...and how ye say it!


Nice lookin' engine there. Hope yer careful out there! Rock Me Amadeus indeed! 80)

Curly said...

pablo -

Aye, be afraid, be very afraid (cue, Jaws theme?). Remember that a nice reply will get you another invite to the centre of the known universe, aka Turra.

mike -

She is indeed a lovely beast. Planning on getting her out on Thursday for the commute into Aberdeen. The roads should hopefully be clear of the dreaded salt by now - it fairly eats bikes. Probably eats cars as well, but they after all, are merely a means of getting from A to B! Bikes however, ahhhh, (sigh), are very emotive. Italian v-twins are the bees knees (never seen a bees knees . . . . . ), far superior in character at least to the rice burners from the Far East, or to the tractors from the USA.

To work!


Anonymous said...

Mike, just think Tom Cruise without the hair !!!!????

And you've even got it opening in a new comments page and some fancy-dan link fur auld stuff !!! Some people ur just too smart. I suppose yiv got an e-mail alert set up anaw ???


Curly said...

pablo -

did ye get my message on yir blog aboot changing my blog name / location?


Anonymous said...

Tis done O bald one.


Unknown said...

Curly ;- Nice place, though I think I tend to favour the Balamory theory :-)
I don't know if you ever attend any of the biker weekends in Arran, but if you ever do give me a shout and we can sink a couple of pints.

Stefan Slim said...

Hi Curly, nice place across the water by the looks of it......hope the pink hoose isnae yours:)

So they let into the local golf club, strange etiquette in that sport...if you get a hole in one you have to buy every feeker in the clubhouse a drink, should be the other way about, surely??!!

Anyhow, here's a wee joke, in theme. Hail Hail.

Two women were playing golf. One teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole.
The ball hit one of the men, and he immediately clasped his hands together at his groin, fell to the ground and proceeded to roll around in agony. The woman rushed down to the man and immediately began to apologize.

"Please allow me to help. I'm a physical therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me," she told him.

"Oh, no, I'll be all right. I'll be fine in a few minutes," the man replied, still in pain, in the fetal position, still clasping his hands together in his groin.

But she persisted, and he finally allowed her to help. She gently took his hands away and laid them to the side, she loosened his pants, and put her hands inside. She began to massage him. She then asked, "How does that feel?"

He replied, "It feels great, but my thumb still hurts like hell."

Curly said...

edward -

Glad you like the colour scheme, the previous invite to jump ship from the dark side still stands - you would be following in some good footsteps, including a few members of the current Celtic squad!

Never been to Arran, normally, bike jaunts to the west coast are limited to Skye or Ullapool. Ullapool this year will be 29th June - 1st July which presents a bit of a quandry - Superbikes will be at Knockhill on 1st July - what to do? EEK!! The Ullapool run is an organised oil industry run, sponsored by one of the companies - they provide accomodation in a hostel (basic but clean and dry), all the food and drink (2 bags of salt and vinegar, 36 cases of assorted ales and lagers, plus the tequila!). We do various events and ride-outs and collect money for charity. One of the guys lost his wife to cancer a few years ago, so we collect for CLAN (an Aberdeen based cancer charity).

If I ever go to Ayrshire, I will drop you a line to arrange to meet up for a small shandy.

sdstim -

Portree is a lovely place, and normally my base when I go walking. I used to rent the flat that forms the top 2 floors of the white hoose at the left of that row, however it is no longer a holiday home, having been sold - damn. The pink hoose is actually a guest house called "The Pink House" - a fair imagination there then. The blue one is the Pier Hotel, owned by a hun (Edward - you would be welcome there). The guy seems to be mellowing slightly cos last year he actually had a Celtic calender up on the wall. Next to that is an excellent wee chipper - the fish are so fresh they are still wriggling!

Unfortunately I won't be able to get up there this year, but next year it is back on the agenda. We could maybe get our fellow blogger "Trotternish" to host a CQN hillwalking event!


Miketw10 said...

I can't read any of the comments without clicking on "comments"

Is this normal?

Pablo, the thought of Tom Cruise without hair gives me shudders! In fact the thought of that wee nyaff WITH hair is enough to bring me out in plooks!

Curly said...

mike -

I have it set up like that. Why? Cos I can!! 8-))I can set it up another way if you really, really want? Let me know - the "customer" is always correct.

And who are you calling a wee nyaff?


Curly said...

mike -

Now that I have had a look at things, you have to click on "Comments". That is the same as CQN and every other blog I have been on. CQN differs after that for posting cos Paul67 has a "Post a Comment" link at the foot of his page. Don't know how he does that however.

Hey, I was a Blog virgin until this past week, give an auld, bald, fart a wee break (and I don't mean arm, leg or neck!!).


naesnakesinOK said...

Hiya Curly. I'll do the linking thing tonight.

Nice picture.

And since it's always polite to leave a present when you come visiting, here's this. It's old, but good. An' whit's wrang wi'that?

Scottish Lonely Hearts - who says romance is dead?

Real ads from the lonely-hearts column.

Grossly overweight Buckie turf-cutter, 42 years old and 23 stone, Gemini,seeks nimble sexpot, preferably South American, for tango sessions, candlelit dinners and humid nights of screaming passion. Must have own car
and be willing to travel. Box 09/08

Aberdeen man, 50, in desperate need of a ride. Anything considered.

Heavy drinker, 35, Glasgow area, seeks gorgeous sex addict interested in pints, fags, Celtic football club and starting scraps on Sauchiehall Street at three in the morning. Box 73/82.

Bitter, disillusioned Dundonian lately rejected by longtime fiancée seeks decent, honest, reliable woman, if such a thing still exists in this cruel world of hatchet-faced bitches. Box 53/41

Ginger-haired Partick troublemaker, gets slit-eyed and shirty after a few scoops, seeks attractive, wealthy lady for bail purposes, maybe more. Box 84/87

Artistic Edinburgh woman, 53, petite, loves rainy walks on the beach, writing poetry, unusual sea-shells and interesting brown rice dishes, seeks mystic dreamer for companionship, back rubs and more as we bounce along like little tumbling clouds on life's beautiful crazy journey. Strong stomach essential Box 12/32

Chartered accountant, 42, seeks female for marriage. Duties will include cooking, light cleaning and accompanying me to office social functions. References required. No timewasters. Box 23/45

Bad-tempered, foul-mouthed old bastard living in a damp cottage in the arse end of Orkney seeks attractive 21-year old blonde lady with big chest. Box 40/27

Devil-worshiper, Stirling area, seeks like-minded lady for wining and dining, good conversation, dancing, romantic walks and slaughtering dogs in cemeteries at midnight under the flinty light of a pale moon. Box 52/07

Attractive brunette, Maryhill area, winner of Miss Wrangler competition at Framptons Nightclub, Maryhill, in September 1978, seeks nostalgic man who's not afraid to cry, for long nights spent comfort-drinking and
listening to old Abba records. Please, Please!

Govan man, 27, medium build, brown hair, blue eyes, seeks alibi for the night of February 27 between 8pm and 11.30pm

Cullen man, mid twenties, seeks nubile young lady for cooking, cleaning and fornication contract. Must be prepared to be a bidy-in and have a strong knowledge of local dialect. Oh and big baps ana.

Curly said...

Hugh -

I think I know the guys from Buckie and Cullen.


Han Solo said...

Hi Curly-

never even knew you had a blog.......

Curly said...

noel -

You won't be able to say that again. Unless you suffer from amnesia!


Stefan Slim said...

Curly it's worse when you suffer from amnesia and deja vu at the same time.

I've forgotten but didn't i say that before? My head hurts.

Hoping Saturday will make me forget the last huns game at CP.....

Curly said...

sdstim -

Sorry for the late reply, but I had forgotten that you had posted!

We have to go to their midden and absolutely pump them. Don't care if it is them 0 - 1 Us, or them 3 - 7 Us, as long as we show them for what they are - a bunch of hacking, cheating, hammer-throwing excuses for fitba-players.

Oh yes, and I want Lenny to get a goal - how sweet would that be? They would go totally mental if that happened!


naesnakesinOK said...

Ya basturt. Canaries behind. Ah didnae even huv tae check it because it sounded right.

Clever basturt, but basturt none the less. You owe me a big pint.

Curly said...

Shug -

Sorry to burst that bubble, but the only cleverness was Googling an anagram website, being able to type in "chennaiseabird", and hitting the "get anagrams" button!


Han Solo said...


CQN- 22.47-


John_H said...

Sent you an email Curly-did you get it?